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Why Reduce Your Sugar Intake?

Why Reduce Your Sugar Intake?
Why Reduce Your Sugar Intake?

Whilst not all sugars are necessarily bad for you, the benefits of cutting back your sugar intake can lead to a wide-range of health benefits - both in the long, and short term. 

Let’s take a look at the key gains you’ll make from kicking the sugar.

⚡️ Greater Energy
We’re all familiar with the “sugar high” we derive from high sugar food and drinks.  This is one of the sneaky little tricks that sugar plays on your brain! Your brain interprets this sugar rush and translates this into a feeling of high energy.

However, this is short lived and not sustained, resulting in (what anyone who’s spent time with a child at the tail end of a sugar rush will be all too familiar with…) an energy sapping crash that flips the script and leaves you feeling tired, lethargic and sluggish.

Having a nutrient rich diet gives you a balanced, sustained energy level from morning until bedtime and helps you wake up sharp and clear of mind in the morning. 

?‍♀️ Drop The Kilos
Sugar is a great source of empty calories, you know, the nasty kind that the body hangs on to while providing no nutritional value! So it’s a no brainer that cutting back on it makes it much easier to lose those extra kilos and keep them off for good.

The human body requires a balanced amount of nutritional fibre to process and deal with our sugar intake, just like the kind you find in fruits and veggies.  Soft drinks, lollies and high sugar snack foods throw this balance right out of whack, and importantly makes your metabolism resistant to insulin, which dramatically increases fat storage in the body, especially around your hips and belly!

Reducing empty calories and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is the number one way to drop the kilos and support a healthy bodyweight. 

? Reduced Inflammation
Research shows that there is a clear and direct link between inflammatory diseases and sugar.

Cutting back on sugar is a great, proven way to combat inflammation problems and chronic pain in the body.  Recent studies also suggest that inflammation is linked to a range of other serious brain-related disorders and can severely impact our mental health.

Not only will lowering your sugar intake fight the effects of inflammation on your brain and cognitive health, it will also help reduce nerve, muscle and joint pain.

? A Better Mood and Greater Clarity & Focus
As we mentioned earlier, sugar is a big contributor to mood imbalances and causes stress to the body and mind as we deal with the ebbs and flows that a high sugar diet brings.

We’re all guilty of using sugar as a source of reward or using sugary foods and drinks as a pick-me-up when we’re feeling stressed, anxious, or need a little push along. Those 3pm TImTams sure can bring you up but the inevitable low is just around the corner.

Maintaining healthy eating habits is an essential way to reduce tiredness and nourish the body with sustained energy throughout the day. Importantly, balanced and sustained energy levels help your brain fight anxiety mood swings and gives your brain the fuel to stay focused, alert and feeling better all round!

So, are you sold on dropping some of your sugar intake? Our natural alternatives like Stevia, Erythritol and Monk Fruit Blends will make it a whole lot easier so check them out now.

Images via Unsplash

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