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Chocolate Icing Recipe

Chocolate Icing Recipe


60 gr butter softened
2 tabs cocoa powder
3 tabs hot water
1 ½ cups Chocolate Icing


Dissolve cocoa in hot water.
Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and cream till smooth and ice over cake.
Nutlex margarine can be used but butter is the better of the two.

Recipe courtesy S Litchfield

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Do you find that this quantity of Xylitol in the icing gives you stomach upset & 'the runs'? I'm finding that using Xylitol as a direct substitute, in many recipes, is too much & any more than a couple of tablespoons is risky!
Each persons tolerance of Xylitol is different but, except in the most extreme cases, we could not imagine the amount in this would cause any issues. Xylitol is like everything else, you should work up to how much you take & not take the same amount of it as sugar initially until your body adapts to the change.
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